Thema: Modern Times

TropicalHat - 4.7.2003 um 08:20

The internal combustion engine is now in existence for more than a century, and its principals haven't fundamentally changed since. So, lately when I have been privileged enough to drive a new car, it hadn't inspired me all that much. It usually was just more of the same. All cars grow a little larger with each new model, and the engine becomes a little larger as well. 2 liter now is the standard, not the exception.

Until the Smartster came along...

The car itself is a beauty, but that's a matter of taste. The engine on the other hand is a marvel. Small engine, very decent power. Not excessive, as may have been appropriate for a would-be sportscar, but very decent indeed. Especially considering the fuelconsumption.

It almost made me feel as if this is some sort of standard for the future.

So it made me wonder about the rest of the design.

And I envisioned digital gauges, and a Heads-Up-Display, and yes, i thought that would be very appropriate in this car. But that would be contrary to the back-to-basics concept, which merely is marketing lingo for "less-is-more-especially-in-the-end-user-price". Nonetheless, I haven't formed an opinion yet, and was wondering whether anybody else had some ideas about this.

The Smartster is a very modern car, worthy of state-of-the-art interior gadgets like digital gauges and a Heads-Up-Display!?

Or perhaps:

No 60s or retro design in such a state-of-the-art automobile!

Any opinions?

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